Dear Cara,
I know that when you are short or angry with your kids because you feel stressed, overwhelmed, disappointed, and like you just needs space, or just if you react in a way you wouldn’t want another person to see. You feel regretful, ashamed and angry with yourself. However, you have to acknowledge that the frustration is real - you are parenting through a pandemic with no child care support. You don’t get the sleep or space you need to adequately take care of yourself. Even when you have these moments, you are a good mom. You love your children and they love you.
I know that when you feel self-conscious about your body, you feel ashamed and sad but you need to know that you are beautiful. Your body is beautiful - little boobs and all. You are sexy, not just because of how you look but also because of the desire and passion inside you. You need to feel open to claim that and know that you are sexy.
I know that when you stress about things at work, like the start of a new project or speaking in front of executives, you feel like you are an imposter or that you are going to mess it all up. But you need to know that you are not an imposter; you are where you deserve to be. You’ve worked hard to get to where you are. You are smart and incredibly capable of all that you are working on and even more. You will not disappoint someone or mess anything up. Because even if something doesn’t go the way you plan it will, you will know a way to correct it. And you will fess up if you mess up. You have incredible integrity and that is what causes you to feel this way but it also causes you to garner the respect of everyone you work with. Nothing that you do at work would ever jeopardize that respect.
I love you. Always and forever.